Looking for a tutor?


Looking for a tutor for yourself or your child? “Excellent Home Classes” provides effective one-to-one home tuition for students of all ages and in all subjects. Best of all you can get a tutor anywhere in Ghana.


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There are absolutely no hidden costs involved.

A wider database of tutors gives you more choices.

Quality is assured by our panel of expert subject matter specialists.

If you are not satisfied with the tutor, we offer you a guaranteed replacement – at no additional cost.

You become part of our nationwide students, that is even if you relocate we can still connect you with a suitable tutor for your lessons.




Our services include:

After-School Assistance: Homework help, project work, after-school assignments, etc.


Music Lessons: Piano lessons, organ lessons, guitar lessons, etc

Special Needs: Dyslexic, Autism, Bad Reading, Bad Writing, etc

Home Schooling: GES curriculum, British curriculum, American curriculum.

Adult Education: As per student requirements.

Language Lessons: English for foreign nationals, French lessons, Spanish lessons, German lessons, etc.

Clients who have other special tuition needs besides these must contact us via phone or email.


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The moment ‘Excellent Tuition Service’ help desk receives an email or a genuine query call from the parents/students, a database search is initiated by our back office team.

The registered tutor(s) matching the criteria, as specified by the parent and those operating within the area mentioned is/are informed about the requirement via phone call, an email, or SMS, along with important student-related information.

Excellent Home Classes will then arrange a meeting with the selected tutor and the parent/student, for an introductory class, at the convenience of all concerned.



Tuition Rates

Tuition rates are on a monthly basis and may vary from student to student. For more detailed information on our rates and payment modalities, please click here. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at +233 (0) 246099277  via WhatsApp at +233 (0) 501457284, or by email at [email protected]

You can also check out FAQ page to know our Frequently Ask Questions from parents like yourself or read through our terms and conditions for a better understanding of our services.

With just a phone call or an email, a competent tutor will be at your home either in-person or online to take care of your tuition needs.


What People Say



“Tutor allotted to us was very flexible and able to adjust to our schedule and gave the extra classes on her own”.

Cynthia Adei


“This site was easy to use.

You would get tutors to suit your child’s particular needs. The fee is moderate.”

N. Donkorh



“With each regular session, my daughter becomes more cooperative and actively receptive. Thanks.”

Ms. Anan

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