Post COVID, tuition operators who embrace online classes successfully will not be limited by space, rental costs and could open themselves to new markets far beyond their countries.

For online classes, so much time could be saved for both the student and the teacher. There is no time to rush from place to place and fewer reasons to miss a class.

For agencies like us, it also means we could get talent from anywhere, even from overseas. As it stands, one big challenge we face is recruiting good teachers. It typically takes a while to get committed persons.

For older students who just need tips from a tutor, an online system is ideal.

Self-motivated, you listen for advice and can skip the parts you do not need if it is a recorded version.

With flipped learning where students already have the class materials before lessons, e-tuition is also practical, as any face time would be used mainly to clarify doubts.

In the long haul, going fully online will cost-less for tuition centres. Rental, like all other businesses, take up the bulk of overhead costs.

In contrast, a Zoom account ranges from being free to just US$14.99 a month to host 100 people.

There will be significantly fewer bills — such as electricity, printing and cleaning — to pay. In fact, with less commuting required and paper used, e-tuition is more environmentally friendly.


Get a copy of the special report â€śHow to identify your child’s learning style”, a report you can download instantly and begin to learn how you can best teach your child using his/her personality type.

If you are looking for a home tutor for yourself or your child, please call: 0501457284, WhatsApp: 0246099277 or email: [email protected]

 Visit and to download this special report for FREE.

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