Five things I wish I had known before working

Are you working or about to start working? If your answer to any of these questions is Yes, then this ebook is for you…



If you’re a student, graduate, worker, retiree, or soon-to-be retiree and you are tired of working from 9 to 5 with little or no money to show then you need this eBook.

The brand new Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working is now available to download in text PDF. This complete guide will show you exactly what to do in order to escape the rat race, have a successful career, and live a happier life.

After you click the link and enter your details into the box, I’ll send you an email with the download link for the eBook.

You will also receive a free video entitled “Why only two percent of people succeed as a bonus. This video will help you with steps by step guide on how to set your life up in motion for a successful life.


Why I Wrote This Book

You might be wondering why “Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working”. Well as a former employee and a worker of a reputable company I have found out from experience that merely working from 9 to 5 and showing up for work can keep you busy but will not make you rich.



Who Is It For?

“Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working” is for workers, students, unemployed graduate, people approaching retirement, and anyone who want to maximize his/her personal potential in exchange for the hours, weeks, month, and years of the precious lives invested in working.

It’s a true account of the author’s experience and the lessons learned out of those experiences.

Listing and explaining these lessons is the purpose of this book.


Click here to buy “five things I wish I had known before working” 


After you click the link and enter your payment details into the box, I’ll send you an email with the download link for the eBook.


You will also receive a free video entitled “Why only two percent of people succeed as a bonus. This video will help you with steps by step guide on how to set your life up in motion for a successful life.


What You Will Learn

This book teaches you the fundamentals of what it takes to be successful with money. It will help you see work as fun and enjoyable as a hobby rather than a hassle.

This is a life-transforming book, developed with the intention of pointing the way to career success and personal improvement.


In it you will find:

  • How a fellow worker went from being broke to earning a substantial income from rental properties.
  • How an ordinary janitor transformed himself to become a multimillionaire having stock holdings and properties worth $8 million dollars.
  • How two frustrated young ladies turned their limitations around and become successful business partners.
  • How an ordinary driver moved from earning a low income to becoming his own boss.
  • How a lady fired her boss and managed to get a better job at which she was paid more.
  • How an ordinary clerk transformed himself to become the manager of a newly installed plant.
  • How a young lady was able to build a multi-million small-scale enterprise just from little savings.


In it also you will find:

  • How a young man moved from being laid off to setting up a beautiful office in town – using a mobile phone.
  • How a 68 years old retired army officer, went from living off his pension to making over $300 million dollars just by using a simple recipe.

Any one of these lessons can save you months and even years of hard work if you have not been living and working consistently with it up to now.

And each of these lessons is indispensable to your realizing your full potential. The consistent violation of any one of these lessons can cost you months and even years of frustration and underachievement.

Some of the lessons may seem simplistic or self-evident. Some repeat themselves in different ways in different categories. As you read, take a few moments with each lesson and honestly evaluate your own conduct and behavior with regard to that lesson.

One insight or a new idea that you did not have before can be all that it takes to change the direction of your life.

When you apply these five lessons and live your life in harmony with them, you will gain a distinct advantage over those who do not. You will enjoy levels of success and satisfaction you may never have imagined possible. You will accomplish more in a few months or years than many people accomplish in a lifetime.

You can download The Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working in PDF text, which works on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

Just click the link below, enter your details into the box, and confirm your payment. You will receive a download link for the eBook immediately.

You will also receive a free video entitled “Why only two percent of people succeed as a bonus. This video will help you with steps by step guide on how to set your life up in motion for a successful life.


Click here to buy “five things I wish I had known before working” 


FREE Bonus!

 You will get in addition to this book an entire video “why only 2% of people succeed in life”. This comes as a bundled guide with this ebook.

Here you are:

Do you know that 98% of people die without fulfilling their goals and dreams, meaning only 2% of people become successful in life?

Why is that, is it their education level, family ties, skin color, or ethnic background, maybe it’s the environmental conditions that are set by the government or the corporate ladder system.

There is plenty of advice out there to help you to accomplish your purpose; in this video, you will find what I have found to be some of the most helpful advice.


Now Is The Perfect Time To Start

 I’ve worked with and trained a number of people on the things I wish I had known before working and I can tell you there is one common trait among those who succeed…

They don’t hesitate to start, they get busy working and they do something every day.

Becoming successful is certainly not a path to overnight success. The people I have mentored who have gone to achieve success got there because they figured out what is missing in their lives use strategies that worked best for them and most importantly kept doing it.

If you follow the advice in this ebook, implement the strategies, and use proven techniques, you too can become a success story.

That’s exactly why I wrote this for eBook you. It contains some of the best advice, techniques, and strategies I have used myself all in an easy-to-read format.

The step-by-step page resource is ready for your download right now at just $29.99 USD!

Ready for you to download now. Get started today.


Click here to buy “five things I wish I had known before working” 


After you click the link and enter your payment details into the box, I’ll send you an email with the download link for the eBook.

You will also receive a free video entitled “Why only two percent of people succeed as a bonus. This video will help you with steps by step guide on how to set your life up in motion for a successful life.


30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working after 30 Days Just let me know and I’ll refund your money – that’s how confident I am that this is a resource that will help you achieve dramatically better success.



Download Your Copy Now

Your success is waiting.

Download your copy of Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Working now for just $29.99 USD.

You will also receive a free video entitled “Why only two percent of people succeed as a bonus. This video will help you with steps by step guide on how to set your life up in motion for a successful life.

Cheap advice is easy to find, good advice is much more difficult – and can cost you a fortune…. This is an investment that will benefit you for years to come.


Click on the link below to get your copy NOW and trust me, you would be glad you did.

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